World Homeless Day (WHD) is the chance to educate people about homelessness issues, celebrate and support local good works, and to highlight local issues. Since its founding WHD is held on (Monday), 10 of October each year and has been observed on every continent except Antarctica, in several dozen countries.
Ending homelessness is possible.
Back on Friday, 13 April 2018 the WA Alliance to End Homelessness (WAAEH) officially launched The Western Australian Strategy to End Homelessness – A 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness in WA.
Since then, our community has achieved so much. Here is a taste of the work so far with some exciting news about the future of (WAAEH) ahead.
The Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia (YACWA) launch their Youth Homelessness Action Plan. The Plan is specifically tailored to addressing the needs of young people experiencing homelessness, not only those in crisis but as a holistic attempt to prevent and end youth homelessness.
During COVID-19 WAAEH working with Micah Projects and the Centre for Social Impact UWA gather information across Australia on the number of those sleeping rough who have been provided with temporary accommodation under state and territory COVID-19 responses.
Launch of the By-Name List dashboard.
The Zero Project coordinates and supports the By-Name List (BNL) in Perth, Fremantle, Geraldton, Bunbury, Rockingham and Mandurah. The BNL enables the sector to collaboratively track and quantify homelessness across an agreed geographic area to work as a system by making agreed improvements towards achieving functional zero. Key to this making the data visible for all to see by developing a dashboard.
A targeted project to support the Housing First initiative of ending chronic homelessness is completed. The Housing First - Development Collection showcases a range of Australian and international Housing First programs, demonstrating how Housing First has been applied to date while providing a starting point for practitioners, service providers, policy-makers and Community Housing Providers eager to implement the Housing First model.
What’s next? Join our movement to find out how to #EndHomelessnessWA.
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