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Housing First - Development Collection

By-Name List: Tracking Homelessness

The By-Name List enables organisations from across the sector to collaboratively track and quantify homelessness, so local communities have access to a real time picture of how their service is working and can use that information to drive evidence-based improvements to help reduce rough sleeping and chronic homelessness.


The By-Name List is a key tool for collaboratively allocating housing and support resources.

BNL = By Name List. In Western Australia, a BNL can be found in the following communities, Perth-Freo+, Geraldton, Bunbury, Mandurah and Rockingham.

It’s a powerful tool for providing ‘live’ data on who’s experiencing homelessness in the community, where each person is known by their name. The By-Name data is securely shared with partnered organisations so that each person experiencing homelessness can be placed in the centre of the service system. Every agency involved brings their expertise to work collaboratively and systematically to end homelessness in their community. For more information about By Name List, click here.

VI-SPDAT (Vulnerability Index – Service Prioritisation Decision Assistance Tool) is an AtoZ screening tool that assists organisations working together as a collective to end homelessness in their local community to have a shared common language, understanding of vulnerability and objectivity for triaging support and housing. It limits the need for people to repeatedly tell their stories to different organisations and be further traumatised by the experience.  For information about the Australian VI-SPDATs, click here.

Acuity scale & potential support need

  • Low 0-4 (case management may not be necessary)

  • Med 5-9 (may benefit from time-limited case management)

  • High 10+ (will benefit from having access to ongoing case management approaches such as Housing First support/Ruah After Hours Support & the Support Landlord model of housing)

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