To facilitate engagement, alignment and collaborative opportunities the Alliance has established a series of ongoing opportunities for a broad range of stakeholders to engage and contribute to implementing the 10-Year WA Strategy to End Homelessness.
To facilitate engagement, alignment and collaborative opportunities the Alliance has established a series of ongoing opportunities for a broad range of stakeholders to engage and contribute to implementing the 10-Year WA Strategy to End Homelessness.
The Strategy | Click the Document
The Strategy | Click the Document
The Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness is based on a set of Visions and Principles that guide our commitment to ending homeless in Western Australian by 2028.
Our Vision
The vision of the WA Alliance to End Homelessness is to end homelessness in Western Australia by 2028.
What does this mean?
Western Australia will have ended all forms of chronic homelessness including chronic rough sleeping.
No individual or family in Western Australia will sleep rough or stay in supported accommodation for longer than five nights before moving into an affordable, safe, decent, permanent home with the support required to sustain it.
The Western Australian rate of homelessness (including couch surfing and insecure tenure) will have been halved from its 2016 level.
The underlying causes that result in people becoming homeless have been met head-on, resulting in a reduction by more than half in the inflow of people and families into homelessness in any one year.
The current very large gap between the rate of Aboriginal homelessness and non-Aboriginal homelessness in Western Australia will be eliminated so that the rate of Aboriginal homelessness is no higher than the rate of non-Aboriginal homelessness.
Those experiencing homelessness and those exiting homelessness with physical health, mental health, and alcohol and other drug use dependence needs will have their needs addressed. This will result in a halving of mortality rates among those who have experienced homelessness and a halving in public hospital costs one year on for those exiting homelessness.
Those experiencing homelessness and those exiting homelessness will be supported to strengthen their economic, social, family and community connections leading to stronger well-being and quality of life outcomes. Employment among those experiencing homelessness will be significantly increased. Over half of those exiting homelessness will be employed within three years of moving into housing. Well-being and quality of life will equal those of the general population in the same timeframe.
A strong, collaborative and adaptive network of services and responses across the community services, health, mental health, justice and education sectors will exist working collectively to address the underlying causes of homelessness and meeting the needs of those who become homeless.
Measurement, accountability and governance mechanisms that are robust, transparent and open to external review will be operating, providing an on-going means for assessing progress in meeting the goals of ending homelessness in Western Australia by 2028.
Our Principles
The WA Alliance to End Homelessness, including all its partners, commit to working in the following ways:
We focus our efforts on ending homelessness, not just managing it.
We uphold the dignity of every individual.
We all take collective responsibility and collaborate to achieve the vision.
We accept the complexity of homelessness and work across sectors, industries, systems and other traditional boundaries to address it.
We are open to exploring new and innovative ideas and approaches.
We share and learn from each other in order to build our collective capacity and capability to support the vision.
We inform our strategies with research and measurement to ensure effective, evidence-based approaches.
We are responsive and adaptive, which means regularly updating the Strategy.
Those experiencing homelessness bring their collective knowledge and lived experience to effective solutions to homelessness and take personal ownership to ending their own homelessness.
We prioritise our efforts to the most vulnerable people.
We support the Housing First approach, whereby the first objective of homeless-serving systems, agencies, programs and funding is to help people experiencing homelessness gain and maintain permanent housing.
We support preventative and early intervention approaches to supporting people who are at risk of homelessness.
We support culturally-appropriate and trauma-informed practices.
We listen and respond to the needs of individuals and support them to moving into an affordable, safe, decent, permanent home with the support required to sustain it.
Our Five Core Strategic Challenges
The Housing First Approach
An important part of the WA Alliance to End Homelessness's approach to ending homelessness is 'Housing First'. This is represented in the model below, and you can read more at Micah Projects.