To facilitate engagement, alignment and collaborative opportunities the Alliance has established a series of ongoing opportunities for a broad range of stakeholders to engage and contribute to implementing the 10-Year WA Strategy to End Homelessness.
To facilitate engagement, alignment and collaborative opportunities the Alliance has established a series of ongoing opportunities for a broad range of stakeholders to engage and contribute to implementing the 10-Year WA Strategy to End Homelessness.
The Strategy | Click the Document
The Strategy | Click the Document
Research &
Looking for our Reports and Evaluations? - click here.
The Funding of Western Australian Homelessness Services
Paul Flatau, Leanne Lester, Zoe Callis and Michael Kyron
The Funding of Western Australian Homelessness Services 2022 report commissioned by Shelter WA and undertaken by the Centre for Social Impact at the University of Western Australia (CSI UWA), is a comprehensive overview of the funding of homelessness services in Western Australia (WA).
This report is based on findings from 73 homelessness services operating across WA...... Read the Report
Ending Homelessness in Australia
Paul Flatau, Leanne Lester, Ami Seivwright, Renee Teal, Jessica Dobrovic, Shannen Vallesi, Chris Hartley and Zoe Callis
The objectives of this report are twofold. First, to collate and assess the current evidence base on the state of homelessness in Australia and its key drivers. Second, to set out an evidence-informed policy and practice agenda towards ending homelessness in Australia. The report also presents the first detailed examination of the consolidated national Advance to Zero database for the decade 2010-2020.
...... Read the Report
Noongar Housing First Principles
Noongar Mia Mia
These Principles have been developed to help housing providers and support service providers to create culturally safe environments and housing & support services for Noongar people experiencing homelessness, their families and communities........ Read the Report
Why Aboriginal Homelessness Needs a Cultural Approach
Noongar Mia Mia
This report aims to raise awareness in the broader community about cultural factors and considerations (which mainstream Australia is all-too-often tone-deaf towards) and the importance of self-determination and a cultural approach to housing and homelessness solutions....... Read the Report
Ending Homelessness in Western Australia 2021
Ami Seivwright, Leanne Lester, Jenny Fairthorne, Shannen Vallesi, Zoe Callis, and Paul Flatau
This report presents the 2021 update to the This report presents the 2021 update to the Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness Outcomes Measurement Framework: Dashboard (the Dashboard), which was first released in August 2019, and updated in February 2020. The Dashboard is an evolving, accessible, and visual platform designed to present and report on outcomes relevant to the key targets of the Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness (WAAEH)...... Read the Report
Reimagining Indigenous Housing, Health and Wealth
Kerry Arabena, Chris Holland and Shane Hamilton | May 2021
Reimagining Indigenous Housing, Health and Wealth: The Necessary Ecological Response to Unlock the Potential in the Indigenous Estate – proposes an ecological approach to realising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians’ aspirations for a high standard of health and housing, and of personal and collective wealth...... Read the Report
Aboriginal Experiences of Housing First
The University of Western Australia | April 2021
This insightful piece of research delves into the drivers and experiences of Aboriginal people experiencing homelessness and looks at the challenges in addressing housing needs as well as implications for Housing First in an Aboriginal context. ractice look at handling tent encampments at any place..... Read the Report
Handling Tent Encampments: Best Practice
Institute of Global Homelessness | January 2021
A best practice look at handling tent encampments at any place..... View the Slides
Research Report Community Views on Homelessness, Western Australia
Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness & Shelter WA | January 2021
This report which gauges our Community Views on Homelessness was commissioned by the Alliance in partnership with Shelter WA. It shows increasing levels of compassion for those experiencing homelessness and growing desire to address the issue.The report shows that people are very concerned about the impact homelessness has on society, including perceptions of an increase in crime, violence and antisocial behaviour..... Read the Report
All Paths Lead to a Home: Western Australia's 10-Year Strategy on Homelessness 2020 - 2030
Department of Communities | December 2019
Use of homelessness services by contemporary ex-serving Australian Defence Force members 2011–17: summary report
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare | August 2019
Between 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2017, 1,215 contemporary ex-serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) members used specialist homelessness services (SHS), representing 1.1% of the contemporary ex-serving ADF population (those who have at least 1 day of service on or after 1 January 2001 who discharged after that date). Ex-serving ADF members who were women, younger or had less ADF experience were more likely to be SHS clients.... Read the Report
Midland Connections Week 2019 Evaluation Report
Indigo Junction | August 2019
Indigo Junction released its Evaluation Report on the Midland Connections Week data which helps build a profile of the picture of homelessness in Midland by exploring the themes of health, justice, risk and vulnerability. Midland Connections Week, an offset of Registry Week, was undertaken in May by Indigo Junction in partnership with the City of Swan. The report gathered information on 149 people experiencing homelessness in Midland including 52 children.... Read the report
Older renters living on the edge in Western Australia Summary Report
The University of Adelaide | August 2019
The Ageing on the Edge Project reports on the situation facing older renters in Western Australia, and what can be done about it. It is a partnership between Dr Debbie Faulkner from the University of Adelaide and Jeff Fiedler from the Housing for the Aged Action Group and funded by The Wicking Trust. Produced in collaboration with Council on the Ageing WA and a Reference Group of key WA agencies and individuals, the report highlights the rapidly growing problems facing many older people in WA.... Read the report
Insights into Hardship and Disadvantage in Perth WA:
The 100 Families Baseline Report
Centre for Social Impact UWA | August 2019
The 100 Families WA project began in earnest in July 2018, and seeks to build a deep, rich understanding of entrenched disadvantage in Western Australia by researching with rather than on those experiencing it. Community Conversations with those with lived experience, facilitated by the UWA Consumer and Community Health Research Network, informed the topics that our data collection explores, the language used in recruitment materials, and the methods of recruitment... Read the report
Ending Homelessness in Western Australia 2019 Report
Centre for Social Impact UWA | August 2019
This report aims to synthesise existing data and connect that to what we know in terms of the thinking, responses and initiatives in Western Australia that are currently emerging. Importantly, this report captures the voices of people who have a lived experience of homelessness as well as practitioners working in the sector... Read the report
People in short-term or emergency accommodation: a profile of Specialist Homelessness Services clients
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare | March 2019
On Census night in 2016, around 21,200 Australians were in supported accommodation for the homeless (ABS 2018)—living in hostels for the homeless, night shelters, or refuges. This report presents, for the first time, a comprehensive analysis of people experiencing homelessness in Australia living in short-term or emergency accommodation, over a 4 year period, using the Specialist Homelessness Services Collection (SHSC)... Read the Report
Specialist homelessness services annual report 2017-18
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare | February 2019
The specialist homelessness services 2017–18 web report is the seventh annual report from the Specialist Homelessness Services Collection (SHSC). It describes the characteristics of clients of specialist homelessness services, the services requested, outcomes achieved, and unmet requests for services during 2017–18)... Read the Report
Couch surfers: a profile of Specialist Homelessness Services clients
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare | December 2018
Couch surfers are among the most hidden groups of people experiencing homelessness. This report explores the circumstances, experiences and housing outcomes of couch surfers who sought assistance from specialist homelessness services between 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2015... Read the Report
The Health and Social Costs of Women Sleeping Rough in Australia's Cities
Centre for Social Impact UWA | November 2018
Based on interviews with 853 women sleeping rough in Australia’s cities using the Vulnerability Index – Service Prioritisation Decision Tool over the period 2010-2017, this analysis provides the first detailed picture using non-administrative data of the physical and mental health outcomes and broader life experiences of women sleeping rough in Australia... Read the Report
Housing, homelessness and mental health: towards systems change
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited | November 2018
This research progresses the priority areas identified by the National Mental Health Commission (Commission) and provides evidence about the systemic issues and policy levers that need to be addressed to provide more and better housing and more and better services for people with lived experience with mental ill health... Read the Report
Tackling health disparities among people experiencing homelessness - the impact of Homeless Healthcare
Homeless Healthcare, University of WA | October 2018
Since its small beginnings in 2008, Homeless Healthcare has made massive strides in providing healthcare and support to a vulnerable population group that often falls through the cracks of the health system. This is a patient cohort with highly complex health and psychosocial needs, often compounded by trauma. The demand for the type of specialist homelessness GP care provided by HHC is growing, with hospitals and homelessness services across Perth continuing to see many people who are homeless with complex health needs and without a GP.... Read the Report
Ending street homelessness in the inner city - Adelaide Zero Project
Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning, The University of Adelaide
Australian Centre for Community Services Research, Flinders University | August 2018
This report is a reflection on the evolution of the Adelaide Zero Project to date and the role of the Zero Research Project and research team in its establishment; the development and refinement of its underpinning architecture; and the (operational) supporting structures and actions designed to progress efforts for ending street homelessness in the inner city... Read the Report
Homelessness in Western Australia: A review of the research and statistical evidence
Department of Communities; Centre for Social Impact UWA | August 2018
This report presents an overview of homelessness in Western Australia: its nature, composition, antecedents and consequences, and the policy and practice responses that should be considered to address it... Read the Report
Housing First: Permanent Supported Housing
Council to Homeless Persons | June 2018
Housing First permanent supportive housing programs quickly move people with complex needs experiencing chronic homelessness into permanent housing with flexible and individual support for as long as needed. Australian and international evidence strongly supports Housing First Programs as the most effective way of addressing chronic homelessness, including rough sleeping... Read the Report
Australian Homeless Monitor 2018
Launch Housing | May 2018
Launch Housing has commissioned this report, conducted by independent researchers at the University of New South Wales and the University of Queensland for this first-of-its kind authoritative insight into the current state of homelessness in Australia... Read the Report
The State of Homelessness in Australia's Cities: A Health and Social Cost Too High
Centre for Social Impact UWA | April 2018
This study represents the first analysis of the consolidated Registry Week data across Australia. The consolidated Registry Week data provides the largest and richest collection of information on people experiencing homelessness in Australian capital and regional cities outside the Census and the national administrative data for homelessness services, the Specialist Homelessness Services Collection... Read the Report