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The Unconvention series brings young leaders into contact with established leaders who have an interest in community governance and leadership.

At their last event, working to the theme Advocating for Change, the event organisers invited Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness (Alliance) Executive Officer John Berger to speak about the role of the board and of Not-For-Profit organisations in creating systemic change in society.

In speaking with facilitator Dr Nicky Howe, Mr Berger highlighted how the Alliance was creating long lasting social change through creating an alliance and building partnerships supporting its vision of ending homelessness.

“The Alliance was created to take leadership on the issue of homelessness with the view to ending homelessness rather than responding or managing it. Five years ago – nobody was talking about ending homelessness – now its embedded in much of the narrative across the community.”

John Berger with Dr Nicky Howe

“The Alliance chose not to form another charity or organisation but remain just that – an independent alliance that would hold the whole of community voice and seek to hold the system to account in relation towards ending homelessness.”

“Since then, much of the work of the Alliance has been to encourage the community to engage and adopt those solutions that are evidence based. In 2018 the Alliance released its 10-Year Strategy based on world’s best practice and evidence. Much of the work has been on building relationships and influencing the sector, government and broader community to adopt those strategies and align with the work that will end homelessness.”

Want to Join Us?

Pulse meetings are hosted by the Alliance to provide stakeholders the opportunity to hear updates about the Alliance and WA Strategy to End Homelessness, as well as share updates of their own. There is also the opportunity to contribute to planning and development, project ideas, and addressing key challenges in an open space co-working format. Join our next session here. All are welcome!

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The WA Alliance to End Homelessness is proudly supported by the Sisters of St John of God. | © 2023.

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