At our Pulse Meeting on 22 May participants contributed to the Rough Sleepers Action Plan. Significant work has already been carried out on the plan, but this was an opportunity for detailed feedback and suggesting bold actions to add to the work done so far.

To encourage deep feedback the design team, including Katie Stubley and Karen Wellington from the Centre for Social Impact UWA, created several working stations. These included:
• Housing First Approach. This station looked at what a transition to a Housing First system would really look like. Participants were engaged around the baseline - our current system - and what shifts and changes would be needed to make this transition happen.
• By-Name List. The activity here was to map out potential roles and responsibilities for different types of workers and services who would utilise a By-Name List approach to track rough sleeping within their community and find ways to improve services to reduce rough sleeping.
• No Wrong Door (NWD) approach for rough sleepers. Participants were encouraged to draw what a future state NWD approach would look like.
• Card Sort. Key actions of the Rough Sleepers Action Plan were written on cards allowing participants to provide feedback specific actions.
