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Quality Data

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Data certification has been achieved for four WA communities.

The By-Name List (BNL) enables organisations from across the sector to collaboratively quantify and track different experiences of homelessness within their communities. The BNL is a real-time picture of what support and housing needs are required to reduce (and end) homelessness, providing services with information to drive evidence-based improvements to the service system.

On Friday, 4 February 2022 the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness, Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness and the 'large scale change' leaders of the National Advance to Zero Movement certified four WA communities as reaching 'quality data' for their BNL.

Those WA communities are;

  • Bunbury

  • Geraldton

  • Mandurah

  • Rockingham

Each community has been working towards collaboratively developing a set of shared protocols for each of the organisations contributing data to the BNL.

"This is a massive achievement," said Michala McMahon Zero Project Manager.

"It means we can start using ‘real time’ data for each community to drive change, measure outcomes, track reductions, identify blockages, advocate for extra resources and ultimately work on ending homelessness within these communities."

Read Progress to Zero - for news and statistics.

Zero Project Worker Community Impact Officer Ainsley Jones said the milestone was met with immense gratitude for the Mandurah, Rockingham and Kwinana communities. "Now quality data has been achieved, the communities can use this evidence-base to start locally testing how to reduce, and ultimately, end homelessness," she said.

View the latest BNL December 2021 data for Perth, Fremantle and surrounds.

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The WA Alliance to End Homelessness is proudly supported by the Sisters of St John of God. | © 2023.

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