Housing Solutions to End Homelessness
A challenge we face at the moment in WA is a shortage of appropriate crisis, social and affordable housing options as well as support services, not only for the estimated 9,000 people experiencing homelessness but also for tenants that have faced or experienced homelessness as a result of the rental shortage.
The week aims to highlight the solutions that can be adopted, in both the short-term and long-term and to also to take a moment to reflect, reground and look at where to from here.
Josh Serafini will talk about his experience being homelessness and living on the streets as he leads a walking through the streets of Perth and to key services in the area that provided support to him during this period.
Josh, who is a strong advocate for ending homelessness, will provide an insight to what it is like to live on the streets, and what helped him to get off the streets, into a home and to undertake the successful work that he does today.
We hope you can join us for this unique event, please note that numbers are limited.
RSVP via Eventbrite.
The WA Alliance to End Homelessness in partnership with Shelter WA are proud to announce that Homelessness Week 2021 will be officially opened by Simone McGurk MLA, Minister for Child Protection; Women's Interests; Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; Community Services.
RSVP via Eventbrite. (Please note this event is linked to the next two events on Tuesday.) You can RSVP to those events here and here.
The first End Homelessness Report was released back in 2019. Much has happened since then and the latest 2021 report brings together both existing and recent data and connect that to what we know in terms of the thinking, responses and initiatives in Western Australia that are currently emerging.
This report captures the voices of people who have a lived experience of homelessness as well as practitioners working in the sector.
RSVP via Eventbrite. (Please note this event is linked to the other events held on Tuesday.) You can RSVP to those events here and here.
The WA Alliance to End Homelessness and Shelter WA are pleased to welcome Shannen Vallesi Research Associate from the School of Population and Global Health UWA.
Shannen will draw on insights from their current suite of homelessness and health research (including the evaluations of Perth’s Housing First project; Advance to Zero and the By-Name Tool).
RSVP via Eventbrite. (Please note this event is linked to the other events held on Tuesday.) You can RSVP to those events here and here.
The WA Alliance to End Homelessness and Shelter WA invite you to a series of talks about permanent, safe & secure housing options for older women.
Australian women aged 55yrs + that are experiencing homelessness has increased by 28%. and they're the fastest growing growing group of people at risk. Causes of housing stress, and at risk homelessness include family and domestic violence and poverty as well as structural inequities.
RSVP via Eventbrite.
Shelter WA is delighted, in partnership with the HOME group of lived experience advocates, to launch the Hear of My Experience (HOME) Lived Experience Engagement Framework and Toolkit.
Centering the voice of people with lived experience at the heart of housing and homelessness policy is critical to achieving system reform.
RSVP via Eventbrite.